
The MDGuidelines Library is a collection of journal articles, research studies, webinar recordings, videos, product sheets, and more. You can find information about everything from our content development methodology to our latest research in the field of disability and workers’ compensation.


Learn about the latest trends in evidence-based care with health experts at our live or recorded webinars.

My Favorite Tool

Discover How the Experts Use MDGuidelines Tools

Do you have a favorite MDGuidelines tool? Learn from the MDGuidelines experts, and see how we use the different tools within the guidelines!

In these short videos, our team will show you exactly how to put each of their favorite tools to work, and what they use each tool to do.

Highlight – Drug Formulary

The MDGuidelines Drug Formulary tool helps physicians and other health care professionals to make informed decisions about drug prescriptions. The tool includes medication class, generic

ACOEM Membership

Join ACOEM and expand your knowledge, grow your professional network, and advance your career while supporting the OEM profession. Read More

Highlight – Medical Cost

The MDGuidelines Medical Cost and Treatment Utilization Tool based on providing solution to medical cost and treatment utilization statistics for 15,000 unique medical diagnoses from

Webinar – Anxiety Guideline

Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health conditions, affecting approximately 40 million Americans (18%) each year. Supporting them ACOEM clinical guidances provide latest evidence

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